Can anyone give an example of recursive method, explicit method using the variable n?

Certainly! Here's an example that demonstrates both a recursive method and an explicit method using the variable n.

Recursive Method:

In this example, we will define a recursive method to calculate the sum of all positive numbers from 1 to a given number n.

public static int recursiveSum(int n) {
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
return n + recursiveSum(n - 1);

- The recursiveSum method takes an integer parameter n.
- Inside the method, we check if n is less than or equal to 0. If it is, we return 0.
- If n is greater than 0, we recursively call the recursiveSum method with n-1, and add n to the result.
- This process continues until n reaches zero, at which point the recursion stops and the sum is calculated.

Explicit Method:

In this example, we will define an explicit method to calculate the square of a given number n.

public static int explicitSquare(int n) {
return n * n;

- The explicitSquare method takes an integer parameter n.
- Inside the method, we simply multiply n by itself (n * n) and return the result.

Both methods accomplish their tasks, but the recursive method uses a recursive call to break down the problem into smaller sub-problems, while the explicit method directly performs the calculation without any recursion.