1. x + 8 <-28

a) x <-36
b) x <-20
c) x <20
d) x <36

2. p/8 > -5

a) p > 40
b) p > 3
c) p > -13
d) p > -40

3. -8x > -64

a) x < 8
b) x > 8
c) x <-72
d) x > 72

Treat these as if they were equations but keeping the in-equality sign instead of the equal sign,

when you multiply or divide the in-equation by a negative, you must reverse the inequality sign.

last one:

-8x > -64
I would have to divide by -8 to get +x , so
x < 8

1st one:
x + 8 < -28
x < -28 - 8 , I did not multiply/divide so no big deal
x < -36

you do #2, let me know what you get

yes, but be more confident in your choice

To solve each of these inequality problems, we'll follow these steps:

1. Isolate the variable on one side of the inequality symbol.
2. Divide or multiply both sides of the inequality by the same number, ensuring you flip the inequality symbol if you multiply or divide by a negative number.
3. Simplify the inequality if possible.
4. Determine the correct solution by comparing the variable's value.

Now let's solve each problem step-by-step:

1. x + 8 < -28

Subtract 8 from both sides:
x < -36

So the answer is a) x < -36.

2. p/8 > -5

Multiply both sides by 8:
p > -40

So the answer is d) p > -40.

3. -8x > -64

Divide both sides by -8, remembering to flip the inequality symbol because we are dividing by a negative number:
x < 8

So the answer is a) x < 8.