Alice baked a certain number of pies. She gave 1\8 of the pies to her friends and 1\4 of the remainder to her neighbor. She was left with the 63 pies. How many pies did Alice bake at first?

how did you get 7/8 to the above answer

Makes no sense

how did u ever get 7/8?????

where did you get 23

21x/32 =63

x=96 this is a final answer.
note: you see 8/8 it is the same (1-1/8) I want to put 8/8 so you can understand where do you get 7/8

x is pies

she gave 1/8x to her friends then (8/8 - 1/8) = 7/8x pies left
7/8x - (7/8*1/4x) = 21x/32 left.

1/8 + 1/4 * 7/8 = 11/32

so, 63 = 21/32 x
x = 96