Alan, Gil, and Deb's point score in a video game was in a ratio of 2:3:4. Deb scored 114,400 points.

A) how many points did Gil score?
B) how many points did all of them score?

i don't know how to do this

would you please help me, thank you

Let the points scored by Alan, Gil and Deb be

2x, 3x, and 4x , .......... (notice that is in the ratio of 2:3:4 )

so 4x = 114400
x = 28600
then 2x = 57200
and 3x = 85800

Alan scored 57200
Gil scored 85800
Deb scored 114400

Add them up to get the total score.

thankyou you saved my life:D

Alice, Bernice, and Cheryl shared some stamps in the ratio 8:9:18. Alice received 184 stamps. Find the number of stamps that Bernice and Cheryl each received.

Of course, I can help you with that! To solve this problem, we first need to find the value of each "part" in the ratio using Deb's score. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Identify the parts in the ratio. In this case, the ratio of Alan, Gil, and Deb's scores is 2:3:4.

Step 2: Set up an equation using the given information. We know that Deb's score is 114,400 points, and she represents the "4" part in the ratio. Therefore, we can set up the equation:
4 parts = 114,400 points.

Step 3: Calculate the value of one part. To do this, we divide Deb's score by the corresponding ratio part:
One part = 114,400 points divided by 4 parts.

Step 4: Simplify the calculation to find the value of one part. In this case, one part is equal to:
One part = 28,600 points.

Step 5: Use the value of one part to find the scores for the other players. Since Gil represents the "3" part, we multiply one part by 3:
Gil's score = 28,600 points multiplied by 3.

Step 6: Calculate Gil's score:
Gil's score = 85,800 points.

So, the answer to part A is that Gil scored 85,800 points.

Step 7: Finally, add up the scores of all three players to find the total:
Total score = Alan's score + Gil's score + Deb's score.

To find Alan's score, we multiply one part by 2:
Alan's score = 28,600 points multiplied by 2.

Step 8: Calculate Alan's score:
Alan's score = 57,200 points.

Now, we can add up the scores:
Total score = 57,200 points + 85,800 points + 114,400 points.

Step 9: Calculate the total score:
Total score = 257,400 points.

So, the answer to part B is that all of them scored 257,400 points in total.

I need help

lara has 3 cats:socks,princess,and luna.the ratio of socks weight to princess weight is 4:5.the ratio of princess weight to luna's weight is 6:7 what is the ratio of socks weight to luna weight?

How did you get Alan's score?