for my science project I have to chose a planet that I would like to visit. I choose "Venus."

I know it's not possible to travel to Venus, but I don't believe man has visited in other planet in our solar system, besides the moon.

and the moon isn't really qualified as a planet, is and it isn't.

Anyway for my project I have to explain why I would go there and what data I would collect, but I can't think....

Any examples?

Google Venus.

Certainly! Although it is not currently feasible to visit Venus in person, you can still imagine and explore what it would be like to visit this fascinating planet for your science project. Here are a few examples of reasons why someone might want to visit Venus and the data they could collect:

1. Study the Extreme Greenhouse Effect: Venus has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, resulting in a runaway greenhouse effect. You could explain that you want to understand the causes and effects of such an extreme greenhouse effect, and collect data on atmospheric composition, temperature variations, and other relevant parameters.

2. Investigate the Surface Features: Venus is covered in volcanic plains and has numerous impact craters and mountains. You could discuss your curiosity about the planet's geology by explaining that you would collect data on surface composition, imagery of landforms, and analyze the possibility of tectonic activity.

3. Explore the Atmosphere and Weather Patterns: Venus has constant hurricane-like winds and a complex, fast-moving atmosphere. You could express your interest in studying the planet's atmospheric dynamics, turbulence patterns, cloud composition, and weather phenomena.

4. Search for Signs of Life: Despite the harsh surface conditions, some scientists speculate that Venus might have once harbored microbial life in its upper clouds. You could mention that you would collect atmospheric samples, measure chemical compositions, and search for any traces of organic compounds to contribute to the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life.

Remember, since you can't physically visit Venus, you can still conduct research by studying existing data and observations gathered from space probes like the Soviet Venera missions and NASA's Magellan spacecraft. Additionally, you can use scientific simulations and models to enhance your understanding and presentation of your chosen topics.