What is the unit rate of 16 32 equal to something over 14?

Do you mean?

16/32 = x/14



To find the unit rate of 16:32 equal to something over 14, we need to determine how many times the numerator is contained in the denominator. Here's how we can calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the given ratio
16:32 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 16. Thus, the simplified ratio is 1:2.

Step 2: Set up the proportion
Now, we have the simplified ratio of 1:2. We need to find the value that will make this ratio equal to something over 14. We can set up the proportion as follows:
1 / 2 = something / 14

Step 3: Solve for the missing value
To solve for the missing value, we can cross-multiply and then solve for 'something'.
2 * something = 1 * 14
2 * something = 14
something = 14 / 2
something = 7

Therefore, the unit rate of 16:32 equal to something over 14 is 7.