Which of the following conclusions is true about the statement below?


Multiple Choice:

The statement is never true.

The statement is true when x is negative.

The statement is true when x=0.

The statement is always true.

I don' see no steenking statement!

Choose the TRUE statement(s) about


is between 1 and 2
is between 1.3 and 1.4
is between 1.4 and 1.5

This is easy

To determine which of the following conclusions is true about the statement X^2√x, we need to analyze the statement itself.

Let's break down the expression X^2√x:

X^2 represents X raised to the power of 2, which means X multiplied by itself: X * X.

The symbol √ represents the square root, so √x represents the square root of x.

Combining these two parts, X^2√x can be rewritten as X * X * √x.

Now, let's evaluate the conclusions:

1. The statement is never true: This conclusion is not accurate because for any real number X and x, there will be cases where X^2√x will result in a nonzero value. For example, if X = 1 and x = 1, then X^2√x will be 1 * 1 * 1 = 1.

2. The statement is true when x is negative: This conclusion is also not accurate because even when x is negative, X^2√x can still be a valid expression. For instance, if X = 2 and x = -4, then X^2√x will be 2 * 2 * (√-4) = 2 * 2 * 2i, where i represents the imaginary unit (√-4 = 2i).

3. The statement is true when x=0: This conclusion is also incorrect since when x is 0, X^2√x will become X^2√0 = X^2 * 0 = 0.

Based on the above analysis, the correct conclusion is:

4. The statement is not always true.