Bobby swims 3 laps every day during the summer. It takes him 15 seconds to swim from the ladder to the swimming lane, and he swims for a total of 135 seconds. The expression below can be used to find s, the number of seconds it takes Bobby to swim each lap.

135 = 3s + 15

How long does it take Bobby to swim each lap?

What answer do you get?


is that correct


135 = 3s + 15

Subtract 15 from both sides.

120 = 3s

Divide both sides by 3.

120/3 = s

? = s


thank you

To find the number of seconds it takes Bobby to swim each lap, we need to solve the equation:

135 = 3s + 15

First, let's isolate the term with "s" by subtracting 15 from both sides of the equation:

135 - 15 = 3s
120 = 3s

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for "s":

120 / 3 = (3s) / 3
40 = s

Therefore, it takes Bobby 40 seconds to swim each lap.