A nonnative species of animal is introduced into a healthy ecosystem. In its new environment, this species has no predators, although it preys on several native animals in the ecosystem. Make a prediction about the biodiversity and health of this ecosystem in the future?

A.Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both increase in the future
B.Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both decrease in the future
C.Biodiversity will decrease and ecosystem health will increase in the future
D.Biodiversity will increase and ecosystem health will decrease in the future

In this scenario, a nonnative species has been introduced into a healthy ecosystem, where it preys on several native animals without any natural predators of its own. To make a prediction about the future biodiversity and health of this ecosystem, we need to consider the potential consequences of this introduction.

When a nonnative species is introduced into a new environment, especially without any natural predators, it can significantly disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. The introduced species may outcompete native species for resources such as food, habitat, and reproductive opportunities. This can lead to a decline in the populations of native species, potentially even causing some to go extinct.

With the decrease in native species populations, the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem is likely to decrease. Biodiversity refers to the variety of different species in an ecosystem, and the loss of native species due to predation by the introduced species would result in a reduction in biodiversity.

Moreover, as the native species decline, there may be cascading effects on other organisms in the food web, leading to further disruptions in the ecosystem. This can result in a decline in the overall health and functioning of the ecosystem.

Based on these considerations, the most likely prediction for the future biodiversity and health of this ecosystem is that both biodiversity and ecosystem health will decrease (option B). The introduction of a nonnative species without natural predators can have significant negative impacts on the balance and functioning of an ecosystem, leading to a loss of biodiversity and a decline in ecosystem health.