When solving a system of equations, how do you determine which method to use?

Like how can you determine when to use Elimination, Substitution or Graphing???

If you are explicitly told to use one method, then of course do that. Otherwise, just indicate what method you are intending to use, and then do it. You should know how to do all of the methods anyway. However, some of them are not as convenient as others. If you do not have technology handy, drawing graphs by hand is not pleasant, at least not for me. Sometimes, it is more user friendly to express y in terms of x or vice versa with substitution. I prefer elimination myself, unless the equations are funky.

good lmao

When solving a system of equations, you can determine which method to use based on the given equations and the specific variables involved. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, so let's go through them to understand when to use each one:

1. Elimination Method: This method is suitable when you have two equations in which the coefficients of one variable are additive inverses (i.e., the coefficients have the same magnitude but opposite signs). By adding or subtracting the equations, you can eliminate one variable and solve for the other. Use this method when you see coefficients that can be eliminated easily.

2. Substitution Method: This method is useful when you have one equation explicitly solved for one variable. You substitute this expression into the other equation, which allows you to solve for the remaining variable. Employ this method when one of the equations already has a variable isolated or when it is simple to isolate a variable in one of the equations.

3. Graphing Method: Graphing is suitable when dealing with a small number of equations (usually two) and when you want to visualize the intersection point(s) of the equations on a graph. Plot the equations on the same coordinate system, and the solution(s) will correspond to the point(s) of intersection. Use this method when the equations are simple to graph and the solutions are easy to read from the graph.

It's important to note that the complexity of the equations and personal preference may also influence the choice of method. In some cases, you can use a combination of methods if none of them seems to be the most efficient or straightforward.

When solving a system of equations, there are a few factors to consider in order to determine which method to use: Elimination, Substitution, or Graphing. Let's go through each method and the situations where they are most suitable:

1. Elimination method:
- Use this method when you have coefficients on the variables that can be easily added or subtracted to eliminate one variable.
- Look for equations where one variable's coefficient is the same or has opposite signs in both equations. You want to eliminate one variable by adding or subtracting the equations together.
- If you need to multiply one or both equations by a constant to achieve matching coefficients, you can do so while preserving the equality.

2. Substitution method:
- Use this method when one equation has a variable that can be easily isolated.
- Look for equations where one variable is already isolated on one side of the equation.
- Solve one equation explicitly for one variable and substitute this expression into the corresponding variable in the other equation.
- This method is useful when solving for one variable in terms of the other allows for simpler calculations.

3. Graphing method:
- Use this method when there are only two equations and the variables are linear (form a straight line).
- Graph both equations on the same coordinate plane and find the point of intersection, which represents the solution to the system.
- This method can be useful for visualizing the solution and when the equations are easily graphable.

It's important to note that each method can be effective depending on the specific system of equations and personal preference. Some systems may be more easily solved using one method over others. If you're unsure which method to use, you can always try one method and switch to another if necessary.