Lamont earns $5.70 per hour. last Friday Lamont received a pay check for $745.25. this pay check included an extra $200 bonus. about how many hours did Lamont work during the last pay period? ms sue please help, i would really appreciate it.

5.7x + 200 = 745.25

5.7x + 200-200 = 745.25.-200

5.7x = 545.25

Solve for x

x = ?

(745.25 - 200) / 5.70 = ?

about 96 ( 95.657894) thanks to the both of u!!:) :D

You're welcome.

To determine the number of hours Lamont worked during the last pay period, we need to subtract the bonus amount from the total pay and then divide the result by the hourly rate.

First, let's calculate the total pay without the bonus:
Total pay = Pay check amount - Bonus amount
Total pay = $745.25 - $200
Total pay = $545.25

Now, we can find the approximate number of hours Lamont worked by dividing the total pay by the hourly rate:
Number of hours = Total pay / Hourly rate
Number of hours = $545.25 / $5.70

To divide the total pay by the hourly rate, you can either use a calculator or apply long division.

Using a calculator, the result is approximately 95.61 hours.

Therefore, Lamont worked approximately 95.61 hours during the last pay period.