if robbie runs 10 miles per hour, how many minutes would it take to run 2 miles?

I don't know how to figure this out? Can someone give me a hint?

is it 12 minutes?

60 min/ 10 miles = x min / 2


To figure out how many minutes it would take Robbie to run 2 miles at a speed of 10 miles per hour, you can set up a proportion. The proportion will compare the time it takes to run a certain number of miles with the speed at which Robbie runs.

Let's set up the proportion:

60 min / 10 miles = x min / 2 miles

In this proportion, the numerator on the left side represents the time it takes to run 10 miles, which is 60 minutes since Robbie runs at a speed of 10 miles per hour. The denominator on the left side is the number of miles he can run in the given time.

On the right side of the equation, the numerator represents the time it takes to run 2 miles, which is what we're trying to find. The denominator is the number of miles he will run in the given time.

Now, we can solve for x, which represents the number of minutes it takes to run 2 miles. We can cross-multiply and then solve for x.

(60 min)(2 miles) = (10 miles)(x min)

120 min = 10x min

Divide both sides by 10:

x min = 120 min / 10

x min = 12 min

So, it would take Robbie 12 minutes to run 2 miles at a speed of 10 miles per hour.