what supplies do you need to make a volcanoes lava if you were to make a volcano.

What would be the best thing to use to make a volcano?

Uh, a small drinking bottle.

60 ml water.
1 tablespoon baking soda.
1/4 cup vinegar :)


If I were you, I'd go with Ms. Sue's answer. She's awsome!:)

To make a lava-like substance for a volcano, you would need the following supplies:

1. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate): This will be the main ingredient that will react with the other components to produce the volcanic eruption effect.

2. Vinegar (Acetic Acid): Vinegar will be used as the acid component to react with the baking soda and create the bubbling eruption effect.

3. Food Coloring: Adding food coloring to the mixture will give the lava a more realistic appearance.

4. Dish Soap: A small quantity of dish soap can be added to create some foam and make the eruption effect more visually appealing.

5. Optional Additions: You can also add other materials like glitter or small plastic dinosaurs to simulate sediment or debris in the lava flow.

Now, as for the best thing to use to make a volcano, here are a few options:

1. Play-Doh or Clay: Using Play-Doh or clay is a popular choice as they are easy to mold into the desired volcano shape. Plus, these materials are reusable, making it convenient to repeat the experiment multiple times.

2. Papier-mâché: Another option is creating a volcano structure using a mixture of water and torn strips of newspaper or tissue paper. This papier-mâché shell can then be painted and decorated to resemble a volcano.

3. Sand and Dirt: Alternatively, you could create a volcano using sand or dirt by piling it up into the shape of a volcano. This option can give a more natural appearance to the volcano.

Remember to set up your volcano experiment in a safe area, on a tray or outside, as the eruption can be messy. And always carry out this experiment under adult supervision, as working with chemicals and acids can pose a safety risk if not handled properly.