A ruler stands vertically against a wall. It is given a tiny impulse at θ=0∘ such that it starts falling down under the influence of gravity. You can consider that the initial angular velocity is very small so that ω(θ=0∘)=0. The ruler has mass m= 100 g and length l= 15 cm. Use g=10 m/s2 for the gravitational acceleration, and the ruler has a uniform mass distribution. Note that there is no friction whatsoever in this problem.

The angle is from the vertical.

(a) What is the angular speed of the ruler ω when it is at an angle θ=30∘? (in radians/sec)

m = 0.1 Kg

L = .15 m
moment of inertia of ruler about center = (1/12) m L^2 = 1.88*10^-4 Kg m^2
Method 1
decrease in potential energy = increase in kinetic energy
Height of cg = .075 cos T
height of cg at start = .075 meters
height of cg at 30 deg =.075 cos 30 =.065 meters
loss of PE = m g (.065)
= .1 * 9.81 * .065 = .0638 Joules
x = distance out from wall of cg
y = height of cg
x = .05 sin T
y = .075 cos T
dx/dt = hor velocity = .075 cos T dT/dt
dy/dt = ver velocity =-.075 sin T dT/dt
angular velocity = dT/dt
so at T =30 deg
dx/dt = .065 dT/dt
dy/dt = .0375 dT/dt
total liner velocity = sqrt(dx/dt^2+dy/dt^2)
= dT/dt(.075)
Linear Ke = (1/2) mv^2 = .05(.00563) (dT/dt)^2
= 2.82*10^-4 (dT/dt)^2
Rotational Ke = (1/2) I (dT/dt)^2
= .94 *10^-4 (dT/dt)^2
Total Ke = 3.76*10^-4 (dT/dt)^2 Joules
.0638 Joules = 3.76*10^-4 (dT/dt)^2
dT/dt = 13 radians/second
Check arithmetic

Harder way
Force up from floor = Fz
Force down from gravity = m g = .1*9.81 = .981 Newtons
.981 - Fz = .1 az
where az is acceleration of CG down

Force horizontal out from wall = Fx
acceleration of cg out from wall = ah
Fx = .1 ah

Torques about cg = I alpha
Fz(.075)sin T -Fx(.075)cos T = 1.88*10^-4 alpha

Now geometry, relate angular acceleration to linear acceleration components at cg
x = .075 sin T
dx/dt = .075 cos T (dT/dt)
ax = d^2x/dt^2 =-.075 sin T (dT/dt)^2 + .075 cos T alpha
{{note - because alpha = ang accel = d^2T/dt^2}}

y = .075 cos T
dy/dt = -.075 sin T dT/dt
az = d^2y/dt^2 = -.075 cosT (dT/dt)^2 -.075 sin T alpha

Now solve for dT/dt :)

loss of PE = m g (.065)

= .1 * 9.81 * (.075-.065) = .00981 Joules

then go way down to use that

.00981 Joules = 3.76*10^-4 (dT/dt)^2
dT/dt = 5.1 radians/second

Thankyou very much !!

How did you do parts b and c?

for part (c) can theta be found out by equating fx = 0?


@Damon, could you please explain how you found your linear KE?

I want to do it by myself (and don't even understand the above) , can someone point me at the right chapter/lecture?

I do not see any parts b and c. You only typed part a. I do not have your text or problem sheet or whatever :)

for linear Ke we need (1/2) m v^2
but v = vx i + vy j
so magnitude of v is sqrt (vx^2+vy^2)

Hey Damon,

Part b and c:

(b) What is the force exerted by the wall on the ruler when it is at an angle θ=30∘? Express your answer as the x component Fx and the y component Fy (in Newton)



(c) At what angle θ0 will the falling ruler lose contact with the wall? (0≤θ0≤90∘; in degrees) [hint: the ruler loses contact with the wall when the force exerted by the wall on the ruler vanishes.]


Hi Damon how did you find x=distance out from cg=0.05sinT? I have different numbers in my problem and I did not understand how to find x. Thanks