Which of the following is an example of a nonmnetal conductor? copper wire, salt water, plastic covering of a wire, or cotton clothing?

To determine which of the given options is an example of a nonmetal conductor, it is important to understand the properties of conductors.

A conductor is a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily. Metals are typically the best conductors of electricity due to their abundance of free electrons. On the other hand, nonmetals generally do not conduct electricity well because their electrons are tightly bound.

Now, let's analyze each of the given options:

1. Copper wire: Copper is a metal and known to be an excellent conductor of electricity. Therefore, this option is not an example of a nonmetal conductor.

2. Saltwater: Saltwater is a good conductor of electricity because it contains dissolved ions that can move and carry electric charges. This option is also not an example of a nonmetal conductor.

3. Plastic covering of a wire: Plastic is a nonmetal material and does not conduct electricity. It is often used as an insulator to protect the conducting wires. Thus, this option qualifies as an example of a nonmetal conductor.

4. Cotton clothing: Cotton is a natural fiber and a poor conductor of electricity. It does not have free electrons that can carry an electric charge. Therefore, this option also qualifies as an example of a nonmetal conductor.

From the given options, the plastic covering of a wire and cotton clothing are both examples of nonmetal conductors.