Two common names for streets are First Street and Main Street, with 12485 streets bearing one of these names. There are 2105 more streets named First Street than Main Street. How many streets bear each name?

If there are x named Main, then

x + x+2105 = 12485.
Now just solve for x.

To find out how many streets bear each name, let's set up the equation based on the given information.

Let's suppose the number of streets named Main Street is 'M'.
According to the information, the number of streets named First Street is 2,105 more than the number of streets named Main Street, which would be 'M + 2105'.

The total number of streets named either First Street or Main Street is given as 12,485, so we can set up an equation:

M + (M + 2105) = 12485

Simplifying the equation:

2M + 2105 = 12485

Subtracting 2105 from both sides:

2M = 10380

Dividing both sides by 2:

M = 5190

So, there are 5,190 streets named Main Street.

To find the number of streets named First Street:

M + 2105 = 5190 + 2105 = 7295

Therefore, there are 7,295 streets named First Street.