Find the verb in the sentence.

Elles sont timides francaises.


"Sont" of the verb "Être"

To find the verb in the sentence "Elles sont timides francaises," you need to identify the word that expresses the action or state of being. In this case, the verb is "sont," which means "are" in English.

To analyze the sentence further, "Elles" is the subject pronoun that means "they," and "timides francaises" is the predicate describing the subject. The adjective "timides" means "shy" or "timid," and "francaises" means "French" (feminine plural form). So the complete translation of the sentence is "They are shy French (girls)."

To find the verb in a sentence, you should look for the action or state of being word that expresses what the subject is doing or the condition it is in. In this case, "sont" (are) is the verb because it shows the state of being of the subject "elles" (they).