Is the relation of f(x) = |x - 2| the -2 that is inside the absolute value or is it the x-2?


|| are just like (). Evaluate what's inside first.

Steve you are awesome. thank yo for helping me understand this algebra language.

In the function f(x) = |x - 2|, the expression inside the absolute value is x - 2. The -2 is not inside the absolute value. Let's break it down to understand how this works:

The absolute value function |x| returns the distance between x and zero on a number line. In this case, x - 2 is the expression inside the absolute value brackets. So, |x - 2| gives us the distance between x and 2 on a number line.

To find the value of f(x) for any given x, you need to follow these steps:

1. Subtract 2 from x: x - 2
2. Take the absolute value of x - 2: |x - 2|

For example, if we want to find f(5), we substitute 5 into the function:

f(5) = |5 - 2|
= |3|
= 3

So, the value of f(5) is 3.