Can you please help me figure out a deeper meaning for "society will judge people and it will affect their future"

for ex:
"sometimes the most valuable lessons are learned by breaking the rules"

Childhood is the time to break rules and learn valuable lessons because consequences are still innocent

To whom does "their" refer?

If you think it refers to "people," then there's one set of meanings.

But if you think it refers to "society," there's a whole slew of different possibilities.

What do you think?

Certainly! Exploring the deeper meaning of the phrase "society will judge people and it will affect their future" can provide insights into the impact of societal judgments on individuals.

To decipher the deeper meaning, we can break down the sentence into three key components: "society," "judgment," and "future."

1. Society: Refers to the collective group of people living together in a community or a particular social environment. In this context, it represents the broader social context in which individuals exist.

2. Judgment: Refers to the act of forming an opinion or evaluation about someone or something based on various criteria. In this case, it implies that society's perception or evaluation of individuals has an influential role in their lives.

3. Future: Signifies the outcomes and experiences that lie ahead, typically beyond the present moment. It suggests that the impact of society's judgment can have lasting effects on individuals' lives and their prospects moving forward.

The deeper meaning of this statement suggests that societal judgments have the potential to shape and influence an individual's future. Society's opinions, biases, and stereotypes can impact various aspects of one's life, such as personal relationships, career opportunities, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Negative judgments can create barriers and limitations, hindering personal growth and potential.

In understanding this deeper meaning, it becomes crucial to acknowledge that while society's judgment may have an impact, individuals also possess the power to challenge and rise above societal expectations. By recognizing their own worth, seizing opportunities, and embracing individuality, people can navigate the challenges posed by societal judgment and create their own path towards a fulfilling future.

To further explore this topic, engaging in discussions, reflecting on personal experiences, and reading related literature or case studies can provide additional insights into how society's judgment affects people's lives.