The formula D = t + tsp is used to determine how much turkey, stuffing, and potatoes a family will consume. What is the formula solved for t?

I have no idea how to complete this problem

D = t + tsp

D = t(1+ sp)
D /(1+sp) = t(1+ sp)/(1+sp)

t = D/(1+sp)

thank you for explaining this to me.

To solve the formula D = t + tsp for t, you need to isolate the variable t on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the equation: D = t + tsp.

2. To isolate t, you need to get rid of the other terms on the right side of the equation. Begin by subtracting tsp from both sides of the equation. This will leave t alone on the right side: D - tsp = t + tsp - tsp. Simplifying this gives: D - tsp = t.

Therefore, the formula solved for t is: t = D - tsp.

Please note that the formula D = t + tsp represents the total consumption (D) of turkey, stuffing, and potatoes, with tsp being the amount of turkey, stuffing, and potatoes per serving.