
How many minutes?

45 yards(3 ft/yd)(12 in/ft) = 1620 in

1 min = 60 sec
1620 in/60 sec
which is
27 inches/second

To convert from yards per minute to inches per second, we need to apply a series of conversion factors.

First, let's convert yards to inches. There are 36 inches in one yard. So, we'll multiply the given value by 36 to convert from yards to inches.

45 yards/minute * 36 inches/yard = 1620 inches/minute

Next, we need to convert minutes to seconds. There are 60 seconds in one minute. We'll multiply the value we obtained in inches per minute by 60 to convert to inches per second.

1620 inches/minute * 1 minute/60 seconds = 27 inches/second

Therefore, 45 yards/minute is equal to 27 inches/second.

Alternatively, you can directly convert yards to inches and minutes to seconds and then divide.

45 yards/minute * 36 inches/yard * 1 minute/60 seconds = 27 inches/second