How do you site a reference book? Also, does anyone know a website that would tell me how to site a primary source, a website, and a magazine?

Which guidelines have you been instructed to use?



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Citing a reference book, a primary source, a website, or a magazine follows specific formatting guidelines depending on the citation style you are using, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Here's a general guide on how to cite each source:

1. Reference Book:
To cite a reference book, such as an encyclopedia or dictionary, you typically include the following information:

APA style:
Author(s). (Year). Title of entry. In Title of reference book (edition, if applicable, pp. pages). Publisher.

MLA style:
Author(s). "Title of entry." Title of reference book. Edition, Publisher, Year.

Chicago style:
Author(s). "Title of entry." In Title of reference book, edited by Editor's Name, page numbers. Publisher, Year.

For each of these citation styles, you should replace the relevant information accordingly.

2. Primary Source:
Citing a primary source, like a historical document or personal correspondence, requires some additional information. The citation format may vary based on the document's type and the citation style you are using. Generally, the following elements are included:

- Author/Creator
- Title of the primary source
- Document type (e.g., letter, diary, manuscript)
- Date
- Repository or collection holding the source (if available)
- URL or DOI (if applicable)

The specific order and formatting will depend on the citation style guidelines you are following, so it is essential to consult the appropriate style manual for precise instructions.

3. Website:
Citing a website usually involves the following elements:

- Author (if available)
- Title of the web page/article
- Date of publication or last update
- Website name

Again, the citation style you are using will determine the exact format. Typically, this information is arranged differently in each citation style. For instance:

APA style:
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of the article or page. Site Name. URL

MLA style:
Author(s). "Title of the web page/article." Site Name, Date of publication or last update, URL.

Chicago style:
Author(s). "Title of the web page/article." Site Name. Date of publication or last modified. URL.

4. Magazine:
To cite a magazine article, the following elements are typically included:

- Author(s)
- Title of the article
- Title of the magazine
- Date of publication
- Page numbers (if applicable)
- URL or DOI (if applicable)

Again, the specific formatting will differ based on the citation style. Ensure you consult the guidelines provided by the respective style manual.

For more specific and detailed instructions, I recommend consulting the official style guides for the citation style you need to use. Additionally, there are various websites that can provide detailed citation guidelines for each source type according to different citation styles. Some popular websites for citation guidance include:

- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):
- The MLA Style Center:
- The APA Style website:
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online: