What are divine rights? Is it where every man has the right to govern their lives? If not, then what is?

Divine rights are those that people believe are given by God. The divine right of kings, for instance, gave kings the right to do almost anything they wanted.

Is there a right where people have the freedom to choose what to do with their lives?

Yes, with certain limitations. I doubt if many God-given rights believers would believe it gives people the right to kill.

What about Euthanasia? Is there a right about that?

Some people believe this.

God-given rights are whatever an individual or society believes they are.

I think you need to start distinguish between "rights" and "legal".

Many things right, are illegal, and many legal things are not right...many learn this in war, and in working with the poor, disabled, and with children.

Divine rights, also known as the divine right of kings, is a political and religious doctrine that asserts a monarch's legitimacy and authority is granted directly from a higher power, usually a deity. It originated in medieval Europe and was prevalent during the 16th to 18th centuries.

According to the divine right theory, the king or queen is considered to be chosen by and accountable only to God, not to the people they govern. This belief system held that the ruler's authority is absolute and their decisions should not be questioned, as they were deemed to have a direct connection to the divine.

However, it is important to note that the concept of divine rights is not about granting every individual the right to govern their lives. Instead, it places full governance and authority in the hands of a single ruler based on their perceived divine mandate.

Today, the concept of divine rights is generally considered outdated and has been replaced by democratic principles and the idea of popular sovereignty. In modern times, most nations adhere to the principle that political power should rest with the people, who have the right to elect their representatives and participate in government decision-making through democratic processes.

To explore the topic further, studying political philosophy, history, and the development of democratic systems can provide a more in-depth understanding of the evolution of governmental systems and the different theories surrounding the rights and responsibilities of individuals in society.