how did poverty affect the aboriginal in canada in last 500 hundred years ?

To understand how poverty has affected the Aboriginal population in Canada over the last 500 years, we need to take a historical perspective. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Research the Pre-Contact Period: Before European colonization, Aboriginal peoples in Canada had diverse economic systems and were generally self-sufficient. Look into the traditional practices and economic structures of different Indigenous cultures, such as hunting, fishing, gathering, and trading.

2. Study the Impact of European Contact: European colonization disrupted Indigenous economic systems and introduced new economic structures. Research the fur trade and its effects on Indigenous communities, including resource depletion, dependence on trade, and unequal power dynamics.

3. Examine the Indian Act and Reserves: The Indian Act, implemented in 1876, established reserves for Indigenous peoples in Canada. Investigate how this policy restricted their economic opportunities, limited land access, and led to poverty by forcing reliance on government handouts rather than self-sufficiency.

4. Analyze the Effects of Residential Schools: From the late 19th century to the late 20th century, Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and sent to residential schools. Explore how these schools aimed to assimilate children into Euro-Canadian culture, often resulting in loss of language, culture, and traditional economic knowledge.

5. Look into the 20th and 21st Centuries: Research the socio-economic conditions faced by Indigenous communities in recent history, such as systemic discrimination, lack of employment opportunities, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to education and healthcare.

Remember, this is just a brief overview, and each aspect can be explored in much greater detail. Utilize scholarly articles, books, documentaries, and other reputable sources to deepen your understanding of this complex topic.