I'm confused, please help. If a quarterback had 112 positive yards and 61 negative yards what was his total yardage, should I add both together?

No. You need to subtract.

112 - 61 = ?

yes. so...

112 + (-61) = 51 yd

whoops, i see what Ms. Sue did there. rlly subtraction is just adding negatives and addition is rlly subracting negatives. all relative...

To determine the quarterback's total yardage, we need to add the positive yards gained and subtract the negative yards lost.

In this case, we have 112 positive yards and 61 negative yards. Since negative yards represent yards lost, we subtract them from the positive yards.

So, to find the total yardage, we add the positive yards and subtract the negative yards:

112 positive yards - 61 negative yards = 51 total yards.

Therefore, the quarterback's total yardage is 51 yards.