Greco I am having a problem with the turntable (gyroscope) problem. The angular speed is 300 radians per second. I tried a couple of formulas including one by you. Maybe I am not converting the units properly. I could use some help. I tried several attempts all were wrong. I would like to understand the method. Thanks

your answer is 0.981

Mgl/ùÉc Ic=1/2MR2 l=0,6 R=0.2 M=2 ù =300 g=9.81

Thanks, Greco. I figured it out.

I'd be happy to help you with the turntable (gyroscope) problem! Understanding how to properly convert units is indeed crucial in solving physics problems.

To start, let's clarify the problem and what you're trying to calculate. Are you given any additional information, such as the mass or radius of the turntable, or are you trying to solve for a specific quantity?