(respost) I chose the Airplane and I know that it was invented by the Wright brothers etc. But what I don't know what to write a paragraph on is "Describe the social impact the invention had on society". Please help! I really stuck here :?

yes, thank you so much Ms. Sue. But the question is stated in past tense which I assume means what the impact was on society at the time, that's what I don't get. Yes, they invented the plane and the ability for mankind to fly but I don't know the impact or even how it impacted social life at the time :?

The question is asking about the impact then and continuing to the present.

Ok Ms. Sue but could you also tell me what the impact was at the time?

Please help quick!

Ms. Sue, my daughter uses Jiskha. She has been banned! This is not a safe site and I am very disappointed in Jiskha

When describing the social impact of an invention like the airplane, it's important to consider the time period in which it was invented and how it revolutionized society. Here's how you can approach writing a paragraph on the social impact of the airplane:

1. Research the historical context: Begin by understanding the time period when the airplane was invented, which was in the early 20th century. Look into the social, economic, and cultural conditions of that time.

2. Highlight the transportation revolution: The invention of the airplane brought about a transportation revolution. Prior to the airplane, travel was primarily limited to land or sea. The airplane introduced a new and faster mode of transport, allowing people to traverse long distances in significantly shorter times. This revolutionized the way people traveled and connected with each other, expanding opportunities for commerce, trade, and cultural exchange.

3. Explore economic impact: Consider how the airplane transformed industries and economies. The ability to fly enabled companies to expand their markets globally, facilitating international trade and creating new business opportunities. It also led to the development of aeronautical engineering and manufacturing industries, creating jobs and driving economic growth.

4. Discuss cultural exchange: With the advent of air travel, people from different regions and cultures found it easier to connect and interact. The airplane allowed for faster and more accessible transportation, fostering cultural exchange, tourism, and increasing opportunities for collaboration and exploration. It played a significant role in shrinking the world and fostering a globalized society.

5. Analyze social changes: The invention of the airplane had broader social implications as well. It brought about a sense of adventure and exploration, expanding horizons for individuals. It made long-distance relationships more feasible, enabling families and friends to stay connected despite geographical restrictions. The airplane also played a role in shaping popular culture, inspiring the growth of aviation-themed entertainment, literature, and art.

By considering these aspects and incorporating the historical context, you can write a well-rounded paragraph describing the social impact of the invention of the airplane on society.