Suppose line p is perpendicular to line s and line q is perpendicular to line s. are p and q parallel under all circumstances? Draw a figure to illustrate your answer .

I doubt if we can post pictures on this,because my question asks to draw a figure.I seriously need an answer to this. will someone help me please ?:) or you cud just email me the figure on my email address ! at nailanaeemdar at gmail dot com
Thanks xoxo


No need to draw a figure, just look at the screen on your computer.
let s be the top of the screen
let q be perpendicular of your screen, how about the left side?
let p be the bottom of your screen

Is the top of your computer screen not parallel to its bottom?

Yes it is. That really made sense. Merci :)

Apologies for the inconvenience, but as an AI text-based assistant, I am unable to draw or send images directly. However, I can provide an explanation on how to visualize the situation.

To determine whether lines p and q are parallel, we need to consider the given information. Line p is perpendicular to line s, and line q is also perpendicular to line s.

In the given scenario, all three lines intersect at a single point, which is the point where line s intersects both lines p and q. If line p and line q are parallel, they would not intersect.

However, since both lines are perpendicular to line s, they will intersect at the same point (where line s intersects each line individually). Therefore, in this case, line p and line q are not parallel.

To better visualize this, you can draw a simple diagram using a pencil and a sheet of paper. Draw three intersecting lines, with a right angle at the point where each line intersects. Label them as lines p, q, and s. You will see that as long as both line p and line q are perpendicular to line s, they will intersect at the same point on line s, indicating that they are not parallel.

Hope this helps in visualizing the scenario!