delegating a job to another emplouee indicates that you

a.will evaluate the person based on performance
b.want to test a new worker under stress the person to do the job well
d.want more free time in your day

my answer is c


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the question and the given options.

The question asks about what delegating a job to another employee indicates. Delegating means assigning or transferring responsibility for a specific task or job to someone else.

Let's go through each option:

a. Will evaluate the person based on performance: This option suggests that delegating a job to another employee is done to assess their performance. While evaluating performance might be one of the reasons to delegate a job, it is not the primary indication mentioned in the question.

b. Want to test a new worker under stress: This option suggests that the job is delegated to test a new worker under stressful conditions. However, the question does not mention anything specific about new workers or testing them under stress.

c. Trust the person to do the job well: This option suggests that delegating a job to another employee indicates trust in their ability to perform the job well. Trust is a common reason for delegating tasks to others, as it implies confidence in their skills and capabilities.

d. Want more free time in your day: This option suggests that delegating a job to another employee is primarily motivated by the desire to have more free time. While delegating can help with workload management, the question is asking for the indication behind delegating, rather than the outcome.

Based on the analysis, the option c. Trust the person to do the job well, aligns with the common indication of delegating a job to another employee. Therefore, your answer choice of c is correct.