
9 = 2y - 1 = 7y

the way to solve this is right on the tip of my tongue but i can't remember exactly how to do it.

There are two equations with one unknown, and the two possible solutions are inconsistent.

it's -2

To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable "y" by performing the same operations on both sides of the equation to maintain its equality.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the equation: 9 = 2y - 1 = 7y
The equation appears to have two equal signs, which is not standard notation. We should address this issue. Since 2y - 1 and 7y are both equal to 9, we can rewrite it as two separate equations:

2y - 1 = 9 (equation 1)
7y = 9 (equation 2)

2. Solve equation 1:
Add 1 to both sides: 2y - 1 + 1 = 9 + 1
Simplify: 2y = 10

3. Solve equation 2:
Divide both sides by 7: 7y / 7 = 9 / 7
Simplify: y = 9/7

Therefore, the solution to the equation is y = 9/7.