The Young's modulus for a material is 2.0 x 1010 N/m2. The material is stretched to a strain of 5.0 x 10-3. How much elastic energy will be expended? (Express your answer in J/m3)

i dnt see any relevant equations, i don't know how u expect someone to help you

also is strain a spring constant?
too much information is lacking

The Young's modulus for a material is 8.0 x 1010 N/m2. The material is stretched to a strain of 2.0 x 10-3. How much elastic energy will be expended? (Express your answer in J/m3)

pleasee answer it....

The Young's modulus for a material is 11.0 x 1010 N/m2. The material is stretched to a strain of 3.0 x 10-3. How much elastic energy will be expended?

answer is 495000.0

To calculate the elastic energy expended, we can use the formula:

Elastic Energy (U) = (1/2) * Stress * Strain

Stress = Young's modulus * Strain

Young's modulus (Y) = 2.0 x 10^10 N/m^2
Strain (ε) = 5.0 x 10^-3

First, we need to calculate the stress. Substitute the values in the formula:

Stress = Young's modulus * Strain
Stress = (2.0 x 10^10 N/m^2) * (5.0 x 10^-3)
Stress = 10^7 N/m^2

Now, substitute the calculated stress back into the formula for elastic energy:

Elastic Energy (U) = (1/2) * Stress * Strain
Elastic Energy (U) = (1/2) * (10^7 N/m^2) * (5.0 x 10^-3)
Elastic Energy (U) = 2.5 x 10^4 N/m^2

The elastic energy expended is 2.5 x 10^4 J/m^3.