which of the following would increase friction. A.Soap B.water C. sand

if john travels 2387 miles in 2 days. What's his average speed per hour. A.49.7mph B. 1193.5mph C. 73.7mph

49.7 mph or 73.7 mph

To determine which of the given options would increase friction, we need to understand what friction is and how different materials affect it.

Friction is a force that opposes the motion between two surfaces in contact. It can be affected by various factors, such as the roughness of the surfaces and the nature of the materials involved. The rougher the surfaces or the stronger the interaction between them, the higher the friction.

Now, let's consider the given options:

A. Soap: Soap is a substance that reduces friction by acting as a lubricant. It makes surfaces slippery and reduces the resistance between them. Therefore, soap would not increase friction.

B. Water: Water is a liquid that also reduces friction. It acts as a lubricant and makes surfaces slippery. So, water would not increase friction either.

C. Sand: Sand is a granular substance with rough particles. When two surfaces come in contact with sand between them, the particles can get lodged in the microscopic irregularities of the surfaces, creating more points of contact. This increased surface area of contact leads to higher friction, making sand an option that would increase friction.

In conclusion, among the given options, sand is the material that would increase friction.