Square root 'a'

16^-2 = 2?


I need it 2 to the power of ? =16^-2

16 = 2^4

16^-2 = (2^4)^-2 = 2^-8

To find the square root of a number, you need to understand that the square root of a number 'a' is another number 'x' such that when 'x' is multiplied by itself, it equals 'a'. In other words, if x^2 = a, then x is the square root of a.

In your example, you are trying to calculate the square root of 16^-2. Let's break it down:

16^-2 = 1/(16^2) = 1/256

Now, let's find the square root of 1/256. We can simplify this by expressing 1/256 as a fractional exponent:

1/256 = (1/2^8) = 2^-8

The square root of 2^-8 is the number 'x' such that x^2 = 2^-8.

To calculate this, we can rewrite 2^-8 as (2^(-1))^8, which in turn equals (1/2)^8.

Now we can find the square root:

√(2^-8) = √((1/2)^8) = 1/2^4 = 1/16

Therefore, the square root of 16^-2 is 1/16, not 2.