If the economy is not doing well and jobs are hard to find, what would you suggest for your friend to do if they are graduating high school in a month?

A) sit at home until the economy improves

B) save money by going to a local community college

C) look for a job

D) all of the above

I definitely don't think its A. Is it B?

I agree that it's B.

To answer this question, we need to consider the current state of the economy and the job market. If the economy is not doing well and jobs are difficult to find, it may not be the most ideal time to enter the job market directly after high school. However, there are still options to consider.

Option A suggests sitting at home until the economy improves. While this may seem like a temporary solution, it's not a proactive approach and may not be productive in the long run. Thus, it is not the best choice.

Option B suggests saving money by going to a local community college. This option can be a good choice for several reasons. First, community colleges often offer more affordable tuition compared to traditional four-year universities. Second, attending college can provide an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in a particular field, making you more competitive when the job market improves. Lastly, community colleges may offer vocational programs or partnerships with local employers, increasing your chances of finding a job or internship while studying. Therefore, option B is a viable option to consider.

Option C suggests looking for a job. Despite the challenging job market, actively searching for employment is always a good idea. Even if there aren't many job openings, the experience gained through the application process and interviews can be valuable. Additionally, you may come across internships, part-time positions, or entry-level roles that can provide valuable experience and income. So, option C should also be considered.

Based on the above analysis, the best answer would be option D) all of the above. While it may not be the ideal time to find a job directly after high school due to a struggling economy, it is still worth considering options B and C. Going to a local community college can provide valuable skills and knowledge, while also allowing you to save money. Simultaneously, actively looking for job opportunities can provide valuable experience and income.