Scott had an average of 83 on his first three exams. He later scored an average of 92 on the next six exams. What is his average for all nine exams. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.

[(83 * 3) + (92 * 6)] / 9 = ?

To find Scott's average for all nine exams, we need to calculate the sum of his scores on all nine exams and then divide it by 9.

To find the sum of his scores on the first three exams, we multiply his average score (83) by the number of exams (3): 83 * 3 = 249.

To find the sum of his scores on the next six exams, we multiply his average score (92) by the number of exams (6): 92 * 6 = 552.

Now, to find the sum of his scores on all nine exams, we add the sum of the first three exams to the sum of the next six exams: 249 + 552 = 801.

Finally, we divide the sum of his scores by the total number of exams (9) to find his average score: 801 / 9 = 89.

Therefore, Scott's average score for all nine exams is 89.