27 ft of wire is to be used to form an isosceles right triangle and a circle. Determine how much of the wire should be used for the circle if the total area enclosed is to be a maximum? I can only find the minimum because the parabola is opening upward

To find the maximum area, we need to maximize the total enclosed area, which includes both the isosceles right triangle and the circle. Let's break down the problem into two parts:

1. Isosceles Right Triangle:
Let's assume that the two legs of the right triangle have lengths 'x', and the hypotenuse has length 'y'. Since it is an isosceles right triangle, we can calculate y using the Pythagorean theorem: y = √(2x^2).

The perimeter of the triangle can be expressed as the sum of the lengths of all three sides:
Perimeter = x + x + y = 2x + y.

Since the total wire available is 27 ft, we can write the following equation:
2x + y = 27.

2. Circle:
Let's assume the circle has a radius of 'r'. The circumference of the circle would then be 2πr. Since we have to use the remaining wire after forming the triangle, we can calculate the remaining wire length as:
Remaining Wire Length = Total Wire Length - Perimeter of Triangle
Remaining Wire Length = 27 - (2x + y).

We need to maximize the total area bounded by the triangle and the circle. The area of the triangle is given by A_triangle = (1/2) * base * height, where the base and height are the legs of the triangle.

The base of the triangle is one of the legs, which is 'x'. The height can be calculated as the hypotenuse minus the radius of the circle: height = y - r.

The area of the triangle can be expressed as:
A_triangle = (1/2) * x * (y - r).

The area of the circle is given by A_circle = πr^2.

Now, to find the maximum area enclosed, we need to maximize the sum of the areas A_triangle and A_circle:
Total Area = A_triangle + A_circle.

Substituting the values, we get:
Total Area = (1/2) * x * (y - r) + πr^2.

We can express x and y in terms of r using the equations established earlier:
x = (27 - y)/2 and y = √(2x^2).

By substituting these values, we can rewrite the Total Area equation in terms of r:
Total Area = (1/2) * [(27 - √(2x^2)) / 2] * (√(2x^2) - r) + πr^2.

Now, to find the value of r that maximizes the Total Area, we can differentiate the Total Area with respect to r and set it equal to zero. Solving that equation will give us the value of r that maximizes the area.

Differentiating the Total Area equation with respect to r:
d(Total Area)/dr = -r + (√(2x^2) - r) * (-1/2) + 2πr.

Setting the derivative equal to zero:
-r + (√(2x^2) - r) * (-1/2) + 2πr = 0.

Simplifying the equation and solving for r will give us the value of r at the maximum area.

Finally, we can substitute this value of r back into the equation for Total Area to find the maximum area enclosed, and calculate the amount of wire used for the circle by multiplying the circumference of the circle (2πr) with the value of r obtained.

Note: The calculations to find the exact value of r and subsequently the maximum area enclosed involve solving quadratic equations and can be quite complex. It might be helpful to use numerical techniques or graphing software to find a numerical approximation of the solution.