1. ¿Tenías muchos juguetes cuando eras niña?

No, sólo tenía dos: _______.
A. un dinosaurio y una muñeca
B. un oso y un columpio
C. un pájaro y un tobogán
D. un carrusel y una tortuga
I said A

2. ¿Adónde van algunos niños antes de ir a la escuela primaria?
A. Van al patio de recreo
B. Van a la guardería infantil
C. Van a la universidad
D. Van a la oficina
I said B

3. ¿Te peleabas mucho con tu hermana cuando eran pequeños?
Sí, ella siempre me _____.
A. coleccionaba
B. caminaba
C. saltaba
D. molestaba
I said D

4. Cuando era pequeña, Marta siempre ________ a sus padres.
A. ayudó
B. ayudaba
C. ayuda
D. ayudas
I said B

5. ¿Por qué desobedecían Uds. a la profesora en la escuela primaria?
¡Porque _______ niños muy consentidos!
A. íbamos
B. fuimos
C. estamos
D. éramos
I said C

6. ¿Cómo iba Ud. a la escuela primaria?
Generalmente _______.
A. caminaba
B. lloraba
C. me portaba mal
D. molestaba
I said A

7. ¿Qué programas de televisión te gustaban más?
Me gustaban más las comedias. Yo las ______ a menudo.
A. iba
B. veía
C. comía
D. vivían
I said B

8. Cuando eras niña, ¿dónde trabajaban tus padres?
Mis padres ____ profesores en una universidad.
A. eran
B. iban
C. trabajaban
D. hacían
I said A

9. Anoche en la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi hermana, le dimos un pastel
con demasiadas velas.
¡Ella no pido ______ !
A. celebrarlas
B. saludarlas
C. apagarlas
D. regalarlas
I said C

10. ¿ Por qué no fue la esposa de tu sobrino a la reunión familiar?
Porque ellos ________.
A. está separado
B. está muerto
C. están divorciadas
D. están separados
I said C

11. Ricardo, ¿recibiste la invitación para la fiesta de cumpleaños
Sí, señora, ¿Cuántos años va a ________ su nieto?
A. nacer
B. invitar
C. regalar
D. cumplir
I said A

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

1. OK

2. OK

3. OK

4. OK

5. D The difference between estar and ser is that estar is "we appeared/seemed" vs "we were."

6. OK

7. OK

8. OK

9. pido must be pudo & then OK

10. D seems better here

11. D because A means to be born


The correct answers are:

1. A. un dinosaurio y una muñeca
To answer this question, you would need to know about the speaker's childhood. Based on the given options, the correct answer would be A.

2. B. Van a la guardería infantil
To answer this question, you would need to know where some children go before primary school. The correct answer is B as it states that some children go to a nursery.

3. D. molestaba
To answer this question, you would need to understand the relationship dynamics between the speaker and their sister. Based on the given options, the correct answer is D, as it means "she always bothered me."

4. B. ayudaba
To answer this question, you would need to know Marta's behavior in the past. The correct answer is B, as it states that Marta always helped her parents when she was little.

5. D. éramos
To answer this question, you would need to understand the reason why the speaker and their classmates disobeyed the teacher. The correct answer is D, as it means "we were very spoiled children!"

6. A. caminaba
To answer this question, you would need to understand how the speaker used to go to primary school. The correct answer is A, as it means "I used to walk."

7. B. veía
To answer this question, you would need to know the speaker's preference in television programs. The correct answer is B, as it means "I used to watch them often."

8. A. eran
To answer this question, you would need to know the occupation of the speaker's parents. The correct answer is A, as it means "they were professors."

9. C. apagarlas
To answer this question, you would need to understand the situation with the candles on the cake. The correct answer is C, as it means "she did not ask to blow them out."

10. D. están separados
To answer this question, you would need to know the reason why your nephew's wife did not attend the family gathering. The correct answer is D, as it means "they are separated."

11. D. cumplir
To answer this question, you would need to understand the context of the conversation. The correct answer is D, as it means "how many years will your grandson turn."