what is the cube root of -125x^6


To find the cube root of -125x^6, we can break it down into two steps:

Step 1: Find the cube root of -125.
Step 2: Find the cube root of x^6.

Step 1: Finding the cube root of -125.
The cube root of -125 is -5, because (-5) * (-5) * (-5) equals -125. Since we are looking for the cube root, we are looking for the number that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives us -125.

Step 2: Finding the cube root of x^6.
The cube root of x^6 can be found by dividing the exponent 6 by 3, which gives us 2. Therefore, the cube root of x^6 is x^2.

Putting it all together, the cube root of -125x^6 is (-5)(x^2), or -5x^2.