Hi, this is more of a personal project rather than homework, but help would be appreciated all the same!!

I'm writing a story and I don't know how long should my chapters be. I know that some can be 1 page while others are 20, but what do you think the average amount of pages per chapter should be?

- Thank you in advance!

That's entirely up to you. In the same book I've run into 20-page chapters and 1-page chapters. Use your artistic and literary license to decide the length of each chapter.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

When it comes to determining the length of chapters in a story, there is no fixed rule as it largely depends on the style and pacing you want to achieve in your writing. However, I can offer some guidance to help you decide.

One way to determine chapter length is by considering the purpose of each chapter. Think about what you want to accomplish in each chapter and how much content or story development is required to achieve that goal. If a chapter covers a significant plot point or introduces a key character, it might be longer. Conversely, if a chapter serves as a transition or focuses on a smaller event, it could be shorter.

Another factor to consider is reading accessibility. If your chapters are too long, they might feel overwhelming or discourage readers from continuing. On the other hand, very short chapters might disrupt the flow of the story. Finding a balance between the two is often advantageous.

To better understand the average chapter length in your genre, consider examining books similar to yours. Look at novels that share similar themes or target similar audiences and analyze their chapter lengths. This can give you a better sense of what readers in that genre might expect.

As you continue to write your story, keep in mind that you can always revise and modify the chapter lengths during the editing process. Experimenting with different chapter lengths can help you find the structure that best suits your narrative and keeps readers engaged.