How Mali Build 0n Ghana Empire

To understand how the Mali Empire was built on the foundation of the Ghana Empire, let's first explain the historical context and the chronological progression.

1. The Ghana Empire (circa 300-1200 AD): The Ghana Empire was one of the earliest known West African empires. It flourished between the 4th and 12th centuries in the region that now encompasses modern-day Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal. The empire's power was based on its control of the trans-Saharan trade routes, particularly the trade of gold and salt.

2. Rise of the Mali Empire (circa 1235 AD): The Mali Empire emerged as the Ghana Empire declined. Sundiata Keita, a Malinke king, defeated the ruling Sosso dynasty and established the Mali Empire. Sundiata is often referred to as the "Lion King" due to his military prowess and political skills.

3. Mali's expansion and consolidation: Under the leadership of subsequent rulers, particularly Mansa Musa (1312-1337 AD), the Mali Empire expanded significantly both territorially and economically. Mansa Musa is famous for his hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, during which he brought large amounts of gold and enhanced Mali's reputation as a wealthy and powerful empire. The empire's control of trade routes, particularly gold and salt, solidified its economic dominance.

4. Maintaining Ghana's legacy: While the Mali Empire built upon the economic and trade foundations established by the Ghana Empire, it also continued some of the governance and administrative practices. Mali inherited the system of centralized authority and provincial administration from Ghana. It also maintained the taxation and control mechanisms for the trans-Saharan trade routes.

Overall, the Mali Empire built upon the infrastructure, trade networks, and political systems of the Ghana Empire. It expanded its territories, established a strong centralized rule, and became a prominent entity in the region. The legacy of Ghana's economic dominance and trade influence laid the foundation for Mali's subsequent rise to power and prosperity.