tyrone groups words with agent qualities as subjects and words with action qualities as verbs. he then merges these categories into sentences. tyrone is demonstrating?

Tyrone is demonstrating the process of sentence formation based on the categorization of words into subjects with agent qualities and verbs with action qualities. This process allows him to create meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.

To understand this concept, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the words with agent qualities: These are usually nouns or pronouns that can act as subjects in a sentence. Examples include "doctor," "teacher," "dog," or "he."

2. Identify the words with action qualities: These are usually verbs that express an action being performed by the subject. Examples include "run," "eat," "write," or "talk."

3. Group the words with agent qualities as subjects: Take the identified words from step 1 and use them as the subjects of your sentences. For example, "The doctor" or "He."

4. Group the words with action qualities as verbs: Take the identified words from step 2 and use them as the verbs of your sentences. For example, "runs" or "eats."

5. Merge the subject and verb categories into sentences: Combine a subject with a verb to form a grammatically correct sentence. For example, "The doctor runs" or "He eats."

By following this process, Tyrone is able to systematically create sentences by categorizing words and selecting appropriate subjects and verbs.

You need to rewrite this with proper capitals and punctuation. It makes no sense to me.

I wonder if you have ever proofed your writing? Perhaps you just typed this into your smartphone, and transmitted, without proofing. Yes, it makes no sense.