Which of the following sentences contains an italicized word that's used as a predicate adjective?

A. Jerry looks ill today.(ill is italicized)

B. Jerry looks into the microscope.(into is italicized)

C. Jerry looks disdainfully at the pile of laundry.(disdainfully is italicized)

D. Jerry looks at a map.(at is italicized)

I picked A, because in the sentence, ill is the predicate adjective used to describe how Jerry the subject looks.

Is my thinking correct?

You're right! :-)


You're welcome.

Yes, your thinking is correct! In this case, the sentence that contains an italicized word that is used as a predicate adjective is sentence A: "Jerry looks ill today." The word "ill" is italicized in the sentence, and it is used as a predicate adjective to describe how Jerry looks. To identify predicate adjectives, you will typically look for words that describe or modify the subject of a sentence (in this case, Jerry) through the verb (in this case, "looks"). Good job!