what does:

- and - make
+ and + make
+ and - make
- and + make

I get very confused with questions that have different signs

For multiplication and division:

- and - make -
+ and + make +
+ and - make -
- and + make -

is it just for multiplying and dividing?


Adding and subtracting depends upon the values of the numbers involved.

3 + 5 = + 8
5 - 3 = + 2
-3 - 5 = -8

got it

thank you so much!!


You're welcome!

When working with expressions that have different signs, it's important to remember the rules of addition and subtraction with positive (+) and negative (-) numbers.

1. "-" and "-" make a negative number:
When you have a subtraction operation between two negative numbers, the result will be a negative number. For example, -3 - (-4) = -3 + 4 = 1.

2. "+" and "+" make a positive number:
When you have an addition operation between two positive numbers, the result will be a positive number. For example, 2 + 3 = 5.

3. "+" and "-" make either a positive or negative number:
When you have an addition or subtraction operation between a positive and a negative number, the result will depend on the relative sizes of the numbers. The sign of the answer will be the same as the number with the greater absolute value. For example, 5 + (-2) = 3 (positive answer), and 5 - (-2) = 7 (positive answer). However, (-5) + 2 = -3 (negative answer), and (-5) - 2 = -7 (negative answer).

To better understand and solve such questions, you can apply the following steps:

1. Identify the operation (+ or -) between the numbers.
2. Determine the sign of each number based on whether it is positive or negative.
3. Apply the rules mentioned above to find the resulting sign and calculate the value.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep practicing and applying these rules to gain confidence in working with positive and negative numbers.