What is the author's perspective of Edgar Allan Poe's Annabel Lee?

We've already discussed how Poe felt about Annabel Lee. What more are you looking for?

the viewpoint Poe brings to the piece of writing

To determine the author's perspective of Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee," we first need to understand what the author is trying to convey in their writing. In this case, "Annabel Lee" is a poem written by Poe that reflects on the death of a young woman named Annabel Lee and the speaker's intense love and grief for her.

To analyze the author's perspective, we can examine the poem for clues. Look for specific words, phrases, and literary devices that might reveal the author's attitude, emotions, or intentions. Pay attention to the tone, mood, and themes presented in the poem.

Consider the following as you analyze the author's perspective:

1. Tone: Notice the emotional tone conveyed throughout the poem. Is it melancholic, sorrowful, or nostalgic? This can give you a sense of the author's mindset and attitude towards the subject matter.

2. Imagery and Symbolism: Analyze the imagery and symbolism used in the poem. What emotions and ideas do they evoke? Are they positive or negative? This can provide insights into the author's perspective on love, loss, and mortality.

3. Language and Diction: Pay attention to the specific language and word choices used by the author. Are they formal or informal? Does the author use vivid and descriptive language, or is it more restrained? These choices can offer clues about the author's attitude and perspective.

Remember, the author's perspective is subjective and may differ from person to person. It's important to form your own interpretation based on the evidence you find in the poem.