Sunshine Honda sold 112 cars this month. If that is 40% greater than last month, how many cars were sold last month?

1.4x = 112

x = ?

Sunshine Honda sold 80 cars last month.

To find out how many cars were sold last month, we need to solve the equation:

Last month's car sales + 40% of last month's car sales = 112

Let's assume x represents the number of cars sold last month. This means that 40% of x is equal to 40/100 * x, which can be written as 0.4x.

So, our equation becomes:

x + 0.4x = 112

To combine like terms, we add the coefficients of x:

1x + 0.4x = 112

Simplifying further:

1.4x = 112

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.4:

x = 112 ÷ 1.4

Evaluating the right side of the equation:

x = 80

Therefore, 80 cars were sold last month.