A merry-go-round makes 23 revolutions in a 2.8min ride.

Part A
What is its average angular speed in rad/s?

Va=23rev/2.8min * 2pirad/rev * 1min/60s=

0.274 rad/s.

A merry-go-round makes 23 revolutions in a 3.5min ride.

To calculate the average angular speed of the merry-go-round, we need to know the total angle rotated and the time taken.

Given that the merry-go-round makes 23 revolutions, we can calculate the total angle as follows:

Total angle = 23 revolutions × 360 degrees = 8280 degrees

Next, we convert the angle from degrees to radians since we need the angular speed in rad/s. We can use the conversion factor:

1 revolution = 2π radians

So, the total angle in radians is:

Total angle in radians = 8280 degrees × (2π/360) radians/degree

Now, we need to calculate the time taken for the ride:

Time = 2.8 minutes

To convert the time to seconds, we use the conversion factor:

1 minute = 60 seconds

Time in seconds = 2.8 minutes × 60 seconds/minute

Finally, we can calculate the average angular speed:

Average angular speed = Total angle in radians / Time in seconds

By substituting the values, we can find the answer.