a girl worked 12 1/2 hr last week and earned $50. What was her hourly rate of pay?

how do you do this, ive tried on a fraction calculator and cant get the answer.

50 /12 1/2

50 /25/2
50* 2/25

$4 per hour

Change first the 12 1/2 into improper fraction:

12 1/2 = (12*2 + 1)/2 = 25/2
Then we divide 50 by 25/2 to get the rate per hour:
50 / (25/2)
50 * 2/25
= $4 per hour

I'm not Ms. Sue but I hope you can trust my answer.
Hope this helps :3


To find the hourly rate of pay, we need to divide the total amount earned by the total number of hours worked. In this case, we are given that the girl worked for 12 1/2 hours and earned $50.

To divide a whole number by a fraction, we can convert the whole number into a fraction with a denominator of 1. In this case, 12 can be written as 12/1.

Now, let's calculate the hourly rate of pay:
Hourly Rate = Total Amount Earned / Total Number of Hours Worked

Hourly Rate = $50 / 12 1/2 hr

To divide by a fraction, we need to multiply by its reciprocal (flipped fraction). The reciprocal of 12 1/2 is 2/25.

Hourly Rate = $50 * 2/25

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:
Hourly Rate = $100 / 25

Now, simplify the fraction:
Hourly Rate = $4 per hour

Therefore, the girl's hourly rate of pay is $4 per hour.