Which of the following may not qualify as a falsifiable claim? (Points : 1)

Your luck will improve.
Your house will be sold tomorrow.
Granite is more dense than sand.
Smoking may cause heart disease.

To determine which of the following statements may not qualify as a falsifiable claim, we need to understand the concept of falsifiability. A claim is considered falsifiable if it can be tested or proven false by observation or evidence. In other words, it should be possible to imagine a situation or experiment that could potentially prove the claim wrong.

Let's analyze each statement to determine its falsifiability:

1. Your luck will improve - This statement is subjective and based on personal beliefs or perceptions. It is not scientifically measurable or testable. Therefore, it may not qualify as a falsifiable claim.

2. Your house will be sold tomorrow - This statement can be tested. If someone makes this claim, you can observe whether their house is indeed sold the next day. Hence, this statement qualifies as a falsifiable claim.

3. Granite is more dense than sand - This statement can be tested by comparing the densities of granite and sand using scientific methods. It is possible to measure and calculate the density of these materials, allowing us to determine if the claim is true or false. Therefore, this statement qualifies as a falsifiable claim.

4. Smoking may cause heart disease - This statement is based on scientific research and epidemiological studies. While it is difficult to prove causation definitively, multiple studies have established a strong link between smoking and heart disease. In this case, the claim is based on evidence and can be tested through scientific methods. Therefore, this statement qualifies as a falsifiable claim.

Therefore, the statement "Your luck will improve" may not qualify as a falsifiable claim as it is subjective and not scientifically testable.