ms sue for participant observation thing it ask how ur observation reflect sub culture your studying? well everyone was in like a healthy lifestyle?


You probably need to describe the people a little more specifically. Were many of the people obese? Did they look fit and healthy? Did they eat healthy food?

thank you ms. sue :)

You're welcome, Mohammad.

To reflect on how your observation reflects the subculture you are studying, you can analyze the information you have gathered during your participant observation. Here are some steps to help you:

1. Review your notes: Look through the notes you took during your observation and identify specific behaviors, values, or practices that align with a "healthy lifestyle." Take note of any patterns or recurring themes related to the subculture.

2. Identify key elements of the subculture: Consider what defines the subculture you are studying. For example, if you are researching a fitness subculture, key elements might include regular exercise, clean eating, and a focus on physical and mental well-being.

3. Connect your observations: Connect the behaviors and practices you observed to the key elements of the subculture. In your case, if everyone you observed exhibited a healthy lifestyle, it suggests that the subculture places a strong emphasis on maintaining physical fitness and well-being.

4. Analyze the significance: Reflect on the implications of your observations. Consider the reasons why this subculture may prioritize a healthy lifestyle. Is it a central value or belief within the subculture? Does it provide a sense of identity or belonging? Does it align with broader societal trends or ideals? Analyzing these aspects will help you explain how your observation reflects the subculture under study.

Remember to support your reflections with evidence from your observations to provide a comprehensive and insightful response.