what is important about oxygen being formed during a titration?? (formed in container after it has been titrated not in the burette)

What titration are you doing?

never mind I figured it out!! hydrogen peroxide, so it breaks down to water and O2 and seeing the bubbles proves that the actual reaction occurred


Oxygen formation during a titration can be important for a couple of reasons. First, it can provide evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred, which is the goal of most titration experiments. Second, the presence of oxygen can affect the accuracy and reliability of the titration results.

When oxygen is formed in the container after the titration, it suggests that the reaction between the titrant and analyte has gone to completion. This indicates that the equivalence point, where the reaction is stoichiometrically balanced, has been reached. The formation of oxygen can be visually observed by the appearance of bubbles or effervescence in the solution.

This observation can be important because it confirms that the titration has been successful and that the desired reaction has occurred. It provides assurance that the endpoint, when the color or other indication of completion is observed, is accurate.

However, it is also important to consider the effect of oxygen on the accuracy of the results. Oxygen is known to react with certain chemicals, potentially affecting the concentration of the analyte or introducing errors in the titration calculations. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that sufficient precautions are taken to minimize any undesirable effects of oxygen on the titration results. These precautions may include purging the solution with inert gas or carrying out the titration under controlled environmental conditions.

In summary, the formation of oxygen during a titration confirms the completion of the desired reaction. While it is an indicator of success, it is also important to consider its potential influence on the accuracy of the results and take appropriate precautions to mitigate any adverse effects.